File service

File service

This service is used by designers to create design definitions for the Xsdot application platform, services and components. It is used by content managers to place files like for example pdf  files in their content pages.


The title or name of the file service (as presented in the content).


The description of the file service which can be presented in the file tool tip.

File name

The name of the file (as presented when downloaded)..

Upload file

Function for uploading a file.


The unique id of the file.

File size

The size of the downloadable file


The file can be presented without an icon, with a small icon or with a large icon.

Tool tip elements

Use the check boxes to select the information that you want to be presented in the file tool tip.
Description File description.
File name The name of the file.
Owner The file creator/owner
File size The size of the file.
Creation date The date that the file was created.
  • EN
  • NL