Content / text service

Content / text service

The content service is used for creating text elements in for example web pages or content. It contains a wysiwyg (‘what you see is what you get’) editor and implements many functions to create rich text content.


The title or name of the page. The title is presented to search engines and can be presented in the page (Item presentation properties)


The description is presented to search engines and can be presented in the page (Item presentation properties)

Text styles

Use the font style icons to apply styles to texts (select text and click on the style icons)
Bold For applying bold style.
Italic For applying italic style.
Underline For applying underline style
Strike out For applying strike out style.
Super For applying super script style.
Sub For applying super script style.
Empty Clear styles.

Special characters

Use the special character option (TM) for inserting special characters.

Content management - Special characters


Select text and apply ordered or unordered (bullets) lists by using the list icons.

Unordered list

  • Element a
  • Element b

Ordered list

  1. Element a
  2. Element b


Select text and insert tabs by using the tab icons.


Use the link icons to create links in your content. Select the text part that you want to link and click on the internal or external link icons.
Internal links
Internal links are links to your own content (in the same application). After clicking on the internal link item, a browser is presented, select the item that the link should go to.

External links 
External links are links that point to other websites (external websites). After clicking on the external link item, a window is presented in where you can enter the link url.
External links are tested every night by the application server. A list of found broken links is given daily in the application statistics ‘External link test report’.

Xhtml Content filter

When copy pasting content from other web sites or text editors like Microsoft Word the content many times has wrong and unsupported html code. This function filters non xhtml standard code to ensure technically correct content.

Text edit functions

Copy Copy text to clipboard
Paste Paste text from clipboard
Cut Cut text
Undo Undo text editing
Redo Redo text editing
  • EN
  • NL